The Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Jindal Global Law School, OP Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India, Commonwealth Legal Education Association, NAPSIPAG Disaster Research Group (NDRG-2020), Department of Political Sciences, University of Catania, Italy, and Lewis & Clark Law School, USA are pleased to announce the second International Conference on Environmental Justice 2024 (ICEJ’24), which is to be held virtually on 31 August and 7 September 2024 (Consecutive Saturdays).
This conference is part of The Support to Justice Sector Project (JURE), funded by the European Union, and jointly implemented by UNDP and UNICEF Sri Lanka, facilitated by the Ministry of Justice.
The ICEJ’24 aims to bring together research scholars working in the area of Environmental Justice. The purpose of the Conference is to encourage young research scholars to present their research before a panel of academic experts and to receive valuable feedback for further research. Furthermore, this Conference seeks to build fruitful research collaborations among institutions across the world.
The Conference welcomes submissions by postgraduate students and early-career researchers from any discipline. In the case of co-authors, at least one of the authors must be a current postgraduate student or an early-stage career academic.
The thematic areas of the Conference will be centred around issues of Environmental Justice. The acceptance of abstracts will depend on the relevance of the issues raised by the conference panels and the originality of the research after being screened by a panel of reviewers. The abstracts selected by the reviewers will be invited for a full paper presentation at the Conference. The selected authors at the Conference will be offered the possibility to publish their paper in a special journal publication, subject to a careful selection following editorial and peer reviews.
Please note that the abstracts must be strictly limited to the following thematic areas:
- Inclusive Climate Justice: Empowering Vulnerable Groups for a Resilient Future
- Tech-Equity: Navigating Environmental Justice in the Digital Age
- Sustaining Life on Earth: Collaborative Federalism, Public Policy, and Ecological Parallel
- Safeguarding Tomorrow’s Energy: Low-Carbon Futures, Carbon Neutrality, and Energy Security Synergy
- Resilient Futures: Harnessing Natural Resources, Minimising Waste, and Adapting to Climate Change through Legal Responses
- Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2024
- Announcement of accepted abstracts: 7 May 2024
- Submission of Full Paper: 31 July 2024
- Final Conference dates: 31 August and 7 September 2024 (consecutive Saturdays)
The Conference will be held on a VIRTUAL platform.
- Participation in the Conference is free of cost.
- Co-authorship is permissible for up to two authors per paper.
- If there are multiple authors, only the corresponding author should initiate the submission process.
- One author or co-author is limited to the submission of a single abstract and full paper.
- Authors must complete the submission processes by providing all necessary details and uploading their abstracts and full papers at the designated link.
- All submission must be made in .doc format.
- Upon successful abstract and full paper submissions, authors will receive a confirmation email.
- Should any issues arise during the submission processes, please contact the organising team at celp@law.cmb.ac.lk
- The deadline for abstract submission is 30th April 2024.
- Authors are required to submit their ABSTRACTS via the following link – https://forms.gle/hENPz7TBNoJqJcit5
- The selection of presenters for the final Conference presentation is constrained to 60 abstracts.
- Abstracts must adhere to a word limit of 250 to 300 words.
- The content of the abstract should strictly align with the themes of the Conference.
- Each abstract is required to feature a fitting paper title, accompanied by three to five keywords, the author(s)’ names(s), and their respective affiliations.
- Abstract must demonstrate coherence and grammatical accuracy.
- The abstract must constitute original work authored by the contributor(s) and should not have been previously published or presented through any medium.
- The deadline for full paper submission is 31st July 2024.
- Authors are required to submit their FULL PAPERS via the following link https://forms.gle/QEyc4RTBj3qUVSXt7 on or before 31st July 2024.
- Authors are required to adhere to the APA Style citation format throughout the paper.
- Full papers must fall within a word limit of 5000-8000 words, excluding the abstract and bibliography.
- All authors must confirm that the paper’s plagiarism level does not exceed the permissible limit of 15%.
- Research must constitute original work by the author(s) and must not have been previously submitted or accepted for publication.
- The main text of the full paper (including headings) must be formatted in Times New Roman font size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.
- Headings must be numbered and styled as follows;
- Main headings (first level) should be capitalised, bold, and centre-aligned.
- Second-level headings should be in title case, bold, and left-aligned.
- Third level headings should be in title case and left-aligned.
9. Authors are required to strictly adhere to the following formatting guidelines:
- Abbreviations should not be used without prior explanation of the terms.
- Bold and/or underline formatting should not be utilised to highlight the text.
- Single quotes should be employed to emphasise a word or phrase.
- Tables and charts, if included, must be centre-aligned.
- E-certificates will be issued to all the author(s) who present their papers at the Conference.
- Best paper presentations will be awarded in each session at the Conference.
Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
University of Colombo has always set a remarkable example on approaching and theorising the new concepts, principles and trends within the education system in Sri Lanka. The Faculty of Law of the University of Colombo, is the oldest faculty that offers legal education under the University Grants Commission of Sri Lanka. The Centre for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP) of the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo is one of the most remarkable steps towards the commitment of the university for the protection and preservation of the environment. It intends to create a well-organised platform for research, policy development and collaboration among diverse fields including Science, Geography, Economics, Political Science and Business Studies to create an environmentally conscious society. Among many objectives aimed at achieving the utmost target of environmental conservation nationally and internationally, both on behalf of the present and unborn generations, it mainly focuses on the dissemination of knowledge and the environmental sensitisation through a diverse range of projects and activities. CELP aims to promote environmental law and policy in all possible ways within the Sri Lankan academic and administrative sectors and international platforms and thereby, hopes to become one of the leading legal and policy making institutions in endorsing the conservation and preservation of the environment in the country.
Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India
In 2009, O.P. Jindal Global University began its first academic session with the establishment of India’s first global law school. Starting its journey with 10 faculty members and 100 students, JGLS today has nearly 5,000 students and 500 faculty members. Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) is committed to providing global legal education to its students. The curriculum and pedagogy is designed to give extensive exposure to students to domestic, international and comparative law courses. The Law School is recognized by the Bar Council of India and offers a 3-year LL.B. Programme, a 5-year B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), a 5-year B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), a 5-year B.Com. LL.B. (Hons.) Programme, and a 3-year B.A. (Hons.) In Legal Studies, along with 1-year LL.M. Programmes in the regular, online and blended modes and both full-time and part-time Ph.D. Programmes. JGLS has 23 specialised research centres in fields like Human Rights Studies; Global Governance and Policy; Health Law, Ethics, and Technology; Environment and Climate Change Studies; and South Asian Legal Studies. JGLS has regular active academic collaborations with leading law schools like Harvard Law School, Yale Law School, Cornell Law School, and the University of Sydney Law School, for student mobility, dual-degree programmes, joint conferences and research projects. Jindal Global Law School (JGLS) has now been ranked 70th best law school in the world and retained its position as the No.1 in India in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2022. The Centre for Environmental Law and Climate Change (CELCC), one of the eminent Centre at O.P Jindal Global University, carries a vision to educate, equip and raise awareness about environmental degradation and climate change amongst all the concerned. CECC envisions creating a dedicated community that focuses on the research in the field of contemporary legal issues involving environment and climate change. It aims to work as a centre that advocates for environmental conservation and regeneration. Further, it also aims to raise the awareness about environmental law and policy through collaborative efforts of students and faculties. By promoting the same, the centre shall help its members to not only get acquainted with the threats that face ecological sustainability but also motivate them to produce constructive solutions.
Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA)
The Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA) was formed in December 1971 as a Commonwealth‐ wide body with an aim to foster and promote high standards of legal education in the Commonwealth. The Association has regional Chapters and Committees in Asia, Southern Africa, West Africa, the Caribbean, and Europe. The Association’s goals are: i) to make legal education socially relevant and professionally useful by developing law curriculum and teaching methodologies, ii) Supporting continuing legal education and distance learning programmes and iii) Assisting law schools and equipping them to meet the demands of the profession by further enabling information revolution and tackling other global challenges. The Constitution of CLEA envisages establishment and functioning of country-based Chapters to carry out the activities in conformity with its objectives through conferences, moots, newsletters, lecture series, curriculum development and activities for students. To promote in‐depth dialogues on legal subjects and education, CLEA has also undertaken, “The Commonwealth Comparative Constitutional and Public Law Project”, it was initiated in 2019. The initiative aims to cover comparative law study of Constitutional and Public Law aspects in the world. The CLEA has established “Commonwealth Institute for Justice Education and Research” (CIJER) in 2017 to serve as a dedicated research wing with an aim to contribute to legal reformations including international, regional and national policy formulations. The CLEA aims at promoting standards of legal education through academic and professional exchanges, research publications, organization of conferences, workshops, and study tours. It works with an objective to strengthen literature concerning legal education and develop innovative research pedagogy.
NAPSIPAG Disaster Research Group (NDRG-2020)
NAPSIPAG Disaster Research Group (NDRG-2020) is a specialized body of NAPSIPAG (Network of Asia Pacific Schools and Institutes of public Administration and Governance-2004) which is located in India. It owes its origin to NAPSIPAG researchers in Law & Governance who discovered the need for transdisciplinary interaction with practitioners in law-administration-natural sciences-e-governance and Artificial Intelligence to prevent and mitigate disasters. Disasters have become too frequent and more devastating with a gruelling dent in the GDP of Asia Pacific countries. India, Bangladesh and Pakistan alone combine to show the highest mortality risk index (MRI) but this is also a region where almost 40% of the world’s poor are located in subsistence economy in fragile zones. Disasters are more an issue of development, livelihood and sustainable socio-economic prosperity. The immediate catalyst to bring disaster managers together was the NAPSIPAG’s International Conference at Doiwala in Dehradun June 20-22, 2013 at the EcoAshram of legendary environmental lawyer Shri.M.C.Mehta. The timing of this meet on ‘How Much Land Does a Man Need’ was on land mismanagement and human greed as a cause for environmental distress and disasters. This discourse providentially coincided with the devastating and ruinous Uttarakhand floods. The spectre of death as humans and nonhumans succumbed to a furious and anguished nature in the rapids of the holy river Ganges called for revisiting laws and institutions which failed humanity. The congregating experts from all over Asia-Pacific vouched for an intensive research, training, education and dissemination in disaster studies as an indispensable pathway to sustainable development.
Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy
Founded in 1434, the University of Catania is the oldest university in Sicily. With an average enrolment of 40.000 students in 17 departments, it is one of the largest Italian universities with a strong international orientation. Located at the centre of the Mediterranean, in a welcoming and connected city, at the crossroads of art, culture and tourism, the university is a focal point for research and training in the region, fully committed to promoting the cultural, social, and economic growth of its southern European territory. The Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Catania runs one Ph.D. school, a Marie Curie Doctoral Network on the Anthropology of Global Climate Urgency, three B.A. programs, and has a fine reputation in M.A. education as well. Six master degree courses are offered to students, one fully in English on Global Politics and Euro-Mediterranean Relations. Due to its portfolio of innovative training, collaborative action research, and international partnerships, the department is a strategic hub for teaching and learning directed toward transformative change at the intersections of global politics, history, social sciences, law, and anthropology. Thanks to a vibrant community of scholars, teachers, and students, with its large and transdisciplinary range of research projects on environmental justice, the energy transition, climate change, human-nature relations and biodiversity restoration, it is well positioned to promote a more inclusive, alternative and justice-oriented approach to contemporary environmental challenges at the European level, and beyond.
Lewis & Clark Law School, USA
Located in the vibrant city of Portland, Oregon, Lewis & Clark Law School is a top law school in the greater Northwest region of the United States. Affiliated with Lewis & Clark College, the Law School is located on a separate campus, adjacent to the college and to the beautiful Tryon Creek State Park. The environmental law program by L&C was established in 1970, representing one of the earliest initiatives of its kind. With a dynamic faculty comprising renowned scholars and practitioners across various legal fields, L&C offers students a robust education experience enriched by diverse perspectives and expertise. Offering a diverse array of degrees, including a Juris Doctor (J.D.) with nine specialty certificates, and a Master of Laws (LL.M.) or Masters in the Study of Law (MSL) in Environmental, Natural Resources, and Energy Law or Animal Law, L&C provides students with a comprehensive legal education tailored to their interests and career goals. L&C creates a supportive intellectual environment where students develop the legal knowledge, critical thinking, practical skills, and values that empower them to excel as ethical and engaged professionals in diverse and dynamic world.
- Prof. (Dr.) Kokila Konasinghe, Head of the Department, Department of Public and International Law and Founding Director of the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Prof. Mary Sabina Peters, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India.
- Prof. (Dr.) S. Sivakumar, Senior Professor, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Former Member, Law Commission of India, President & Trustee, Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA).
- Prof. Amita Singh, Distinguished Visiting Professor (National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) Kolkata, WB, Senior Professorial Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) New Delhi, President, NAPSIPAG Centre for Disaster Research (NDRG), Member, International Network of Disaster Studies, Rtd. Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Law, Governance and Disaster Management).
- Prof. (Dr.) Mara Benadusi, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy and Co-Director of the Doctoral Network in the Anthropology of Global Climate Urgency (C-URGE).
- Prof. Janice Weis, Associate Dean and Director, Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law Program, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Prof. (Dr.) Kokila Konasinghe, Head of the Department, Department of Public and International Law and Founding Director of the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.

Prof. Mary Sabina Peters, Associate Professor, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India.

Prof. (Dr.) S. Sivakumar, Senior Professor, Indian Law Institute, New Delhi, Former Member, Law Commission of India, President & Trustee, Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA).

Prof. Amita Singh, Distinguished Visiting Professor (National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS) Kolkata, WB, Senior Professorial Fellow, Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) New Delhi, President, NAPSIPAG Centre for Disaster Research (NDRG), Member, International Network of Disaster Studies, Rtd. Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University (Law, Governance and Disaster Management).

Prof. (Dr.) Mara Benadusi, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy and Co-Director of the Doctoral Network in the Anthropology of Global Climate Urgency (C-URGE).

Prof. Janice Weis, Associate Dean and Director, Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law Program, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon, USA.
- Dulki Seethawaka, Senior Executive Researcher, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Asanka Edirisinghe, Senior Executive Researcher, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Radhini Gawarammana, Senior Researcher, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Jayani Christina, Junior Researcher, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Viduravi Athulathmudali, Junior Researcher, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Udeep Tennakoon, Junior Researcher, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Amrita Pankaj Satija, BA (Hons) Legal Studies (Reading), Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global Law University, Sonipat, India.
- Dev Shah, BA LLB (Hons.) (Reading), Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global Law University, Sonipat, India.
- Avishka Sendanayake, Marie Curie Fellow, C-Urge Doctoral Network, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy.
- Suranga Lakmal, Marie Curie Fellow, C-Urge Doctoral Network, Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy.
- Ruchi Sharma D, General Convener, CLEA Student Chapter/Doctoral Scholar, Indian Law Institute, India.
- Salman Qasmi, Coordinator, CLEA-Asia Student Chapter/Doctoral Scholar, Indian Law Institute, India.
- Dr. Manika Kamthan, Assistant Professor (Selection Grade), School of Law, UPES, Dehradun, India.
- Dr. Gaurika Chugh, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India.
- Altamush Saeed, Coordinator, Environmental, Natural Resources and Energy Law Program, Lewis & Clark Law School, Portland, Oregon, USA.
For more information, please contact celp@law.cmb.ac.lk or visit https://celp.cmb.ac.lk/